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Tag Archives: Lifestyle

Who is at risk of having diabetes?

Who is at risk of having diabetes? Diabetes is a disease that can pass on through genetics. Therefore, people with direct relatives such as parents, siblings, and siblings. Who are diabetic may be at increased risk of developing diabetes. If both parents. The next generation will have a 50

How to get worms out of the toilet and drain

The rainy season causes wetness. Some houses may face the problem of flooding all the time during heavy rains. What comes with flooding and wetness may be ” worms “, especially around the bathroom where it is both damp and stuffy. The worms can come through the drain. And may lead to negative

How often should “towel” be washed?

“Towel“ is another thing that we use every day. And used at least 2 times a day, morning-evening, how often do you use towels and wash??? You have been warned! Unwashed “towels” = great accumulation of germs  How often should towels be washed depends on their use and environment. in